Institute for Innovative Learning (IL), Mahidol University, received a PDPA (Personal Data Protection Act) visit via online meeting platform, led by Assoc. Prof. Dr Chailerd Pichitpornchai, M.D., the Institute for Innovative Learning Director. The management team, the PDPA working group, and the Institute director welcome Mahidol University Executives Board and their team. As the representative of the executives, Asst.Prof.Dr.Thatchavee Leelawat, Vice President for Information Technology and Kanchanaburi Campus, informed the objectives of the PDPA visit examination. Subsequently, the Institute, by Asst. Prof. Dr Piyachat Jittam, Deputy Director for Administration, presented an overview of operations for preparing the personal data protection of the administration of the Institute. Followingly, there was a knowledge sharing session and obtaining suggestions from the Mahidol University Executives Board.