International Publications 2016

International Publications 2016

1. Dhammaraj, T., Pinthong, C.,Visitsatthawong, S., Tongsook, C., Surawatanawong, P., Chaiyen, P. (2016).  A Single-Site Mutation at Ser146 Expands the Reactivity of the Oxygenase Component of p-Hydroxyphenylacetate 3-Hydroxylase. ACS Chemical Biology, 11(10), 289-296.

2. Buaraphan, K. (2016).  The Development of Qualitative Classroom Action Research Workshop. Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, 17(1), 1-11.

3. Choopan, W., Liewrian, W., Ketpichainarong, W., Panijpan, B.  (2015). A Demonstration Device to Simulate the Radial Velocity Method for Exoplanet Detection.  Physics Education, 51(2016) 044001. doi: 10.1088/0031-9120/51/4/044001

4. Dhatsuwan, A., Precharattana, M. (2015). BLOCKYLAND:A cellular automata-based game to enhance logical thinking. Simulation & Gaming, 47(4), 1-20.

5. Maneejak, N. & Yasri, P.  (2016). Effective Design of High Fidelity Simulation for Nursing Students.Journal of Nursing Sciences, 34(4), 7-13.

6. Panjaburee, P., Srisawasdi, N. (2016).  An integrated learning styles and scientific investigation-based personalized web approach: a result on conceptual learning achievements and perceptions of high school students. Journal of computers in Education, 3(3), 253-272.

7. Pisanpanumas, P. & Yasri, P.  (2016).   The survival of tutorial schools in Thailand in the midst of active learning of science. International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research, 1(4), 376-382.

8. Precharattana, M. (2016).  Stochastic modeling for dynamics of HIV-1 infection using cellular automata: A Review. Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 14(1), 1-17.

9. Srisawasdi, N., Feungchan, W., Meuansechai, K., Kongpet, K.,& Panjaburee, P. (2016).  The study on integrating visualised simulation into context-aware ubiquitous learning activities for elementary science education.International of Journal Mobile Learning, 10(4), 263-291.

10. Sujarittham, T., Emarat, N., Arayathanitkul, K., Sharma, M. D., Johnston, I., & Tanamatayarat, J.  (2016).  Developing specialized guided worksheets for active learning in physics lectures. European Journal of Physics, 37(2) doi:10.1088/0143-0807/37/2/025701

11. Sujarittham, T., Emarat, N., Tanamatayarat, J., Arayathanitkul, K., & Nopparatjamjomras, S. (2016).  Levels of Students’ Understandings of Electric Field Due to a Continuous Charged Distribution: A Case Study of a Uniformly Charged Insulating Rod. IInternational Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering, 10(1), 237-242.

12. Thaneerananon, T., Triampo, W., & Nokkaew, A.  (2016).  Development of a Test to Evaluate Students’ Analytical Thinking Based on Fact versus Opinion Differentiation. International Journal of Instruction, 9(2), 123-138.

13. Thotsaporn, K., Tinikul, R., Maenpuen, S., Phonbuppha, J., Watthaisong, P., Chenprakhon, P., & Chaiyen, P. (2016).  Enzymes in the p-hydroxyphenylacetate degradation pathway of acinetobacter baumannii. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic, 134, 353.

14. Wongwatkit, C., Srisawasdi, N., Hwang, G.J., & Panjaburee, P.  (2016).  Influence of an integrated learning diagnosis and formative assessment-based personalized web learning approach on students learning performances and perceptions.Interactive Learning Environments, 1-16.

15. Yasri, P., & Mancy, R.  (2016).  Student positions of the relationship between evolution and creation: what kinds of changes occur and for what reasons? Journal of Research in Science Teaching Published  online in Wiley Online Library (